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Medical Aesthetics by Luis Linan MD

Welcome to Medical Aesthetics by Luis Linan MD, located in El Paso, TX. We specialize in providing safe and effective treatments that optimize the way you feel and look. With our experienced team and advanced technology, we can target unwanted fat and provide you with guidance to achieve a healthier looking you. Body Sculpting El Paso

Reasonable Body Solutions Body Sculpting El Paso

At Medical Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on offering a range of body slimming treatments to address various areas of the body, ensuring that our clients receive the most effective and personalized care possible. We understand that each individual’s journey to their ideal body shape is different, and our team is committed to providing personalized solutions that work best for you.

Whether you want to target your abdomen and flanks, thighs, upper arms, or other stubborn areas, we have a  reasonable solution to help you get the results you want. Our treatments include innovative technologies and techniques, such as cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, and Lightwave therapy, which have been proven to be both safe and effective in reducing unwanted fat and improving your skin. 

We also provide expert guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise recommendations. This approach ensures that you not only achieve your desired body shape but also maintain it in the long term. We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to continue their journey towards a more confident and healthy self.

At Medical Aesthetics by Luis Linan MD, our ultimate goal is to help you look and feel your best.  Body Sculpting El Paso


Destroy Fat Cells with Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a revolutionary fat reduction treatment that targets and destroys fat cells in the treated area. By applying controlled cooling to the treatment area, the unwanted fat cells are safely and effectively destroyed without harming the surrounding tissue. Over time, these treated fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body, resulting in a more contoured appearance.

Surgical Fat Reduction Alternatives

If you’re looking for a non-invasive alternative to surgical fat reduction, we offer body contouring treatments that require no surgery or downtime. These treatments use advanced technology to target fat cells and stimulate the body’s natural fat elimination process. You can achieve noticeable results without the risks and recovery time associated with traditional surgical procedures.

Results May Vary, But Satisfaction is Our Goal

While results may vary from person to person due to individual factors such as body type, genetics, and lifestyle, our team at Medical Aesthetics is wholeheartedly committed to ensuring your satisfaction with the outcome. We understand that each client’s journey is unique, and we strive to provide the highest level of personalized care to ensure the best possible results.


During your initial consultation, we will  assess your needs, goals, and concerns, taking the time to understand your expectations and answer any questions you may have. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to develop a personalized treatment plan that is specifically tailored to your unique situation, utilizing the most effective  techniques and technologies to achieve your desired results.

Diet and Exercise: Complementary to Our Treatments

Although our treatments are highly effective in reducing stubborn fat, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Our treatments are designed to complement your efforts in achieving and maintaining your ideal body shape, not to replace them.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Experts

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a healthier and more confident you, schedule a consultation with our team at Medical Aesthetics By Luis Linan MD in El Paso, TX. We’ll help you determine the best course of action and design a treatment plan that aligns with your desired results.

Don’t let stubborn fat hold you back from feeling your best – reach out to us today and discover the transformative power of body sculpting at Medical Aesthetics. Call us at (915) 200-3857. With our 12 year expertise and state-of-the-art treatments, achieving a better you has never been more attainable. Start your journey towards a more confident and healthier you. Schedule your appointment at Medical Aesthetics by Luis Linan MD today. 


The Opportunities That Juvéderm May Have For You

Like many of the other procedures that help get you a head start on your healthy lifestyle, it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint which is best for you. That’s why at Medical Aesthetics, we offer multiple options that offer different results which work best for you. One of our most popular is Juvéderm, as it is the leading non-surgical procedure displayed in the United States. It is a quick procedure that lasts anywhere from 15-60 minutes, minimally invasive, and stems from a naturally developed substance: hyaluronic acid. Juvéderm offers multiple products in its line, with its prime uses of adding volume to the lips, cheeks, and smoothing of wrinkles/lines. It’s the ultimate game changer in receiving filler in El Paso, TX.

Try Something Extraordinary like KYBELLA

In the non-surgical body sculpting world, nothing compares to removing double-chin fat quite like Kybella. It is currently one of the only non-surgical procedures that help with the fat reduction of your double chin. Kybella comprises deoxycholic acid and, when injected, targets the treatment area and removes the fat cells in the process. It’s a quick procedure that doesn’t require more than 20 minutes of your time, and the recovery process is relatively easy. It only requires a handful of treatment plans and doesn’t bring the pain that other plastic surgery procedures do. Give it a try and see the wonders that Kybella can do for your chin and confidence. Follow us on Facebook to stay updated!

Body Sculpting El Paso

Pricing For Juvéderm

1 Syringe of Filler
  • $700

Pricing For Kybella

1 Vial
  • $600
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